Tuesday, August 30, 2011

unrelenting Caller

the Caller beckoned, gently
gently, i dismissed the Call

2008 – 2009
the Caller beckoned rather loudly
i turned away rather hastily

the Caller would not cease
... mercilessly disturbed the peace

"c'mon, you have the wrong number," i insisted
but alas! my plea went unheeded

in sheer frustration, i turned & fled
... afraid to stop & listen... lest i yield

the Caller’s now relentless
completely suckin’ the air out of my one-time ‘quiet’ existence
consumin' a-good-many of my waking moments

saddled with reluctant submission, i’m
slowly succumbing to this unyielding Caller. i’m
silencing the inner critic & i'm
stealthily steering towards my Call.

... any day now!