Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Spurring one another on in Realness

One man's expressed vulnerability opens the door for another man's courage and authenticity to find their own expression!                                                                                                    

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Singing out Loud

This is the Lord's doing; it is marvelous in [my] eyes!            - Psalm 118:23 -

Monday, April 7, 2014

Birthday Bounty

This season, I choose to receive the ultimate gift - Perspective!
It's the light that cracks through the darkness and the doubt
.... the joy that washes over my soul when the scales fall off my eyes
.... the rest that comes with ‘really knowing’ what I can’t see.
It's true freedom!

I am not sure there is a better way to live.
And for this blessing, dear Lord, I am eternally thankful!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Birthday Blues

When I look at the rung on which my life is seemingly perched,
and contemplate the heights to which I desire to climb,
a heaviness descends over me... and leaves me weak in the limb.
I get the sinking yet re-assuring feeling that without Divine assistance,
I labour in vain.

If I did not factor God in the equation of my life,
I'ld be all over the map, lost in off-the-chart imbalance.
My life makes sense, even when it doesn't, because God's in it!

I therefore, choose to believe the truth. 
Yes, for the most part, my cup has been full to over-flowing.
With every passing year, I've seen boundless bounty and blessing.


To my limbs: 'Press on!
Climb the ladder of life... one rung at a time.

To m'dearest heart: 'Keep your chin up!'
Rejoice and sing-out-loud!
God's not through with us yet!

... in the end, we win!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Time Marches On

I was at a funeral where the preacher-man looked at the dead man that lay in the coffin and urged us to live in the awareness of our own encroaching death.  Carrying on with the trees motif he had picked for this occasion, he gravely declared, “There are many of us whose trees are mature and ready to be fell.  No one is getting out of this life alive!”

Tic, toc… I need to make my life count!    

On a lighter note though:

Funeral Humour
A notorious thug is being buried and the pastor asks those present to pay their final tributes to the departed man.  There is a long silence, all eyes seemingly glued to the floor.  Eventually, an old lady walks to the front of the church and says that the deceased had been most helpful.

At this point, everyone is all ears.  You see, the the 'mourners' were there to get closure and confirmation that Kamau and his terrorist acts on the villagers were no more. 

The old lady continues with her narration: “Kamau had come home and it was pouring heavily outside.  I had been taken ill, as is normal with us old, neglected folk.  I was freezing as I had not been able to build a fire to chase away the cold.  Kamau came, hewed firewood, lots of wood and lit a fire for me.  I was truly thankful.”

The crowd was touched by the redeeming story, (ala, kumbe there was a spark of humanity in the fellow, after-all?), until the old lady added that her axe-head had been missing ever since.

Someone tell this foolish heart of mine...

M'dearest heart,

How is it that you gush out delinquency and gullibility from the same vein?
When you set your sights on something, your one-track mind is set!
Undeterred, Unmoved, Unrelenting!
Against my own advice, facts and the logic of wisdom notwithstanding, 
your resilience holds.
(Thanks to you, I have flogged a few dead horses in my days)!

.... my friend,
there have been occasions when it would have served you well,
and spared you needless bouts of anxiety if you'd just submitted to my mind.
(But alas! and me both know how irrefutably true this is)!

PS: Still, when all is said and vented, you remain forever mine...
and in my prayers!

... all  my love,
