Friday, April 27, 2007

I create therefore I am

It was with great pleasure that I learnt that there is no such a thing as a “stupid idea” …and what relief! You see, I cannot even begin to count the number of still-birth ideas that I have carried to term in my mind. These thoughts were buried alive because, for some reason, I was too frightened to voice them.

What? there is no way I was going to run the risk of looking like “the foolish kid on the block…" no way!

Well, that was before I met one Roy Blumenthal. I have since buried my inhibitions. After the session on corporate creativity, the scales have fallen off my eyes and now I can see clearly that my creativity is the one true legacy I will bequeath the world... it MUST be unleashed!

On that note, please read my version of the small print on the “Blumenthal Creativity License”©:-
• A stiffled idea could be a solution suppressed!
• If you can think it (an idea), it is not stupid;
• To unleash your creativity (or while brain-storming), fire all the ideas that cross your mind;
• To allow the free flow of ideas, record your ideas pronto!
• Tame the inner critic so that it will not paralyse your ability to explore the labyrinth of your mind;
• Take a dip into the pool of your thoughts and come up with the ideas that are most likely to solve the problem at hand;
• Prioritise the steps you need to take on the journey to reaching your solution;
• Arise and take action!
• Have some fun while you are at it:)

R.I.P: Dearly beloved, we are gathered here (at Ground Zero) to remember all the creative ideas that died before their time. May we never forget the havoc wrecked by fear-bombs!

SCReeeeACH!!! …I will take this as my cue to stop firing any more of my random thoughts and ideas (and the merciless abuse of this license) …until the next time… pax-blogosphere... Was that a sigh?


Thomas Michael Blaser said...

We learn as kids already to conform and cut down on our ideas and creativity. It is hard to unleash creativity and forget about inhibitions. For this, I like Nietzsche: he was always writing against the stifling influene of morals.

Ijeoma Uche-Okeke said...

But then Mr. Blaser where would we be without those morals?? Methinks the world would be in moral choas. Nice summary of the Blumenthal Creed Susan!!

Valentin said...

Susan, I am glad to see that you share your inights from Roy's session on the notion of creativity and releasing your potential.
Indeed, one of my blogs talks specifically about that. Please, read it!

Susan Arthur said...

Susan, I love your lively style of writing, when I read your blogs it feels as if you are talking to me!
I think so far my blogs have maybe been quite formal.. so look out for ones that are a little more lively like yours!