Friday, April 9, 2010

The Verdict is In

Return of the Jury:

JUDGE: In the matter of Susan (the Plaintiff) vs. Gainful Employment (the Accused), what say ye?

JURY: In the matter of Susan vs. Gainful Employment, we the Jury find the accused NOT GUILTY.

JUDGE'S SENTENCE: This court therefore rules that the Accused is not guilty of either of the charges: namely, suitability for or compatibility with the Plaintiff. Further to this, the plaintiff has been ordered by this court to serve her time in the Unemployment penitentiary until this, or another court repeals this ruling.

… And so, that is how that went down... a less than impressive ruling if you ask me.

Ok., before I start ranting on and on about how blind justice really is, let the record show that with a little hind-sight, I am not entirely oblivious of the fact that part of my testimony and the overwhelming evidence unleashed by the Accused’s Counsel, may have provided the jury some of the rope they used to hang me... grrh!

Yes, that opportunity slipped through the cracks of justice. However, I am hesitant to share the “c’mon, you-should-have-known-better” lessons I learnt at ‘The Trial’ on this blog. Truth be told, that discussion would leave me with more than just a little measure of embarrassment. I would be running the risk of causing permanent and irrevocable damage to my person (kindly allow me to save my e-face). Still, I am the better for it.

I may not have gained the employment opportunity I was in hot pursuit of, but I sure did gain some invaluable lessons.

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