Monday, June 19, 2017


If Martin Luther King Jnr. had been told that though wrapped in diapers, there was a toddler, alive in King's own lifetime, who would manifest the realization of his, ‘I have A Dream'  speech, would he have believed it? #BarackObama.

If he knew that the seed he was watering was already sprouting into a mighty oak, would it have strengthened his resolve that much more, on the days it must have felt easier to quit than fight another battle? #Keep@It.

Faith is…. doing what must be done: through the obscurity, improbability and even cluelessness of the next step.

It took a King to lay the foundation for an Obama. Whose way am I paving?

The answers to my prayers are bound up in nondescript wrappings of action and endurance.

Off my knees and on my feet....., I go!

Post Script: Whose answer to prayer am I?

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